Prairiefire: leaders in dimensional engineering, software neutral, and platform independent expertise in the fields of tolerance analysis and variation control techniques. No matter what your group might call it - geometric stackup, tolerance stack-up, dimensional management, dimensional engineering, dimensional variation analysis, statistical tolerance analysis, or root sum squares analysis - our techniques support you.
<div style="background-color: lightblue;"> Enventive</div>
CETOL and Tolerance Analysis Extension
Enventive is a powerful tool for modelling geometric and multi-physics system variation in two dimensions.
Prairiefire provides support for Enventive users: when the client needs additional modeling capacity, or has a need to extend their general modeling ability, we provide expert application user services.
Prairiefire staff are certified providers of consultant services by Sigmetrix since 2007. Sigmetrix software allows for streamlined, deterministic modelling of fully 3D systems.
Prairiefire supports CETOL users by creating, validating, and reviewing their models. Additionally, we enhance models with additional multi-physics calculations, including: thermal expansion, structural deformation, and wear.
Creo and Solidworks
Optimus is a multi-parameter iterative solver, similar to the DCS SIMULIA Isight.
Prairiefire uses Optimus in conjunction with other variation analysis tools when several multi-physics parameters need to be solved for a stable point simultaneously. For problems with competing constraints, such as efficiency, performance, and cost, we can find your optimal solution.
Prairiefire's CAD modelling experience is primarily with PTC Creo. We can guide you in the conversion of CAD file types.
Depending on the type of analysis you are seeking and what you wish to do with the results, Prairiefire can also work natively in Solidworks. CAD-Native analysis provides you with a model that your engineers can refer back to, expand on, or use as a learning aid.
VisVSA and 3DCS
Custom Tools
Prairiefire staff have used these tools previously, however we currently use other tools, services, and solutions that mirror these tools' capabilities.
If you are looking to have a model created using these specific tools, we can refer you to a partner.
Prairiefire creates processes for solving complex, specific variation problems, and then develops those processes into custom tools in order to quickly solve recurring design tasks.
If you have a calculation method your company needs to standardize, we are happy to discuss how to turn this into a tool for your engineers to use.
Multiphysics Analysis
Internal Expertise
Prairiefire aims to deliver top-notch results, and are not experts in every area.
If the requirements of the analysis include a multiphysics tool that we are not familiar with, we already have worked with groups that perform FEA, CFD, Dynamics of structural systems, and are happy to work with them again, or your own internal team to solve a broader issue.
Sensitivity-Based Design analysts are rare, and Prairiefire is happy to help you develop this capability in-house. We have worked with large and small companies to to influence engineering process practices, and create local experts.
Prairiefire's support offerings range from in-depth, multi-week courses to as-needed phone-based mentoring.