
Here are some conference presentations on advanced topics.

Force Balance to Resolve Overconstraint

Certain classes of over-constrained systems can still be modeled with the exact constraint requirements of CETOL. Prairiefire demonstrates a piece-wise force balance approach to determine the position of an over-constrained component with non-symmetric competing constraints.

As an example, we’ll show how this applies to a tube between two bellows, where two degrees of freedom of the tube are controlled only by a balance of forces within the bellows.

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Float Reduction Estimation for Patterned Geometry

Prairiefire has developed a tool that predicts the actual free play in an over-constrained fastener pattern, allowing accurate representation of the system within the exact constraint requirements of tolerance analyzers. On the design side, the tool also aids in optimizing tolerances for a required amount of free play adjustment and fit-up yield.

Contact us for use of the FRAC tool.

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Report Generation and Data Visualization

Prairiefire uses CETOL’s report generation tools to extend data visualization capabilities and simplify results display.

We’ll show one of our commonly used report templates that includes plotting and model tree navigation.

The report generation tool is available for free download.

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